First i all want you guys to welcome to my blog, in the time i will post here new articles about what i did or what i like or what i want to share, so stay tuned.
Today i achieved my highest wave on shi no numa on the mappack i recently bought for xbox 360. (Cod:waw), nobody of my friends could believe me, but i just used a tactic from youtube. You know why they didnt believe me? Because i achieved round 255!
Maybe you guys shouldnt think i used kind of glitch or hack. But im not one of those, so im all gonna explain it to you.
First at the start of the match, you just shoot the zombies 5 times and then knife them so you can earn lots of money. You can also buy an arisaka to make some headshots. After round 3 you should open the gate, not the debris! Get down and try to get some nice weapons from the random box. I tell you, you also need luck. I was so lucky today that i in the start did get a wunderwaffe. And the third time it gave me an mg42. Just go sit down under the stairs, they can only come from one way so they cant hit you in your back. Use youre mg42 to get the most money, if you got enough money open the fishing hut and the storage and if needable the docters quarter also. Its all because of luck because you need to keep the comm room closed. If you got the juggernog and speedcola get back under the stairs and get some more money and try to gamble for a ray gun. Then just try to survive till round 15/20. From then open the comm room aswell and if the round starts wait in the comm room till the zombies getting close and run trough the building. Now get to the fishing hut, and turn around and shoot them with your wunderwaffe-dg2. You will electroshock lots of zombies, now run again trough the building and do the same. Doesnt matter really which room you do. But i shouldnt prefer the docters quarters because there is alot of water there that slow you down. From round 25/30 the rounds are getting equal. The rounds arent getting really harder anymore and so on till 255 or even higher. But dont try to use ur raygun anymore because it wont work. It may be also usefull if you almost run out of ammo for ur wunderwaffe to turn the power switch on so you can safe ammo. This is how i did it, and now its your turn.