PSP Go: A no no on MY list

Written by Sylvia on 10 October 2009.

Warning: If you are a VERY bias gamer, I welcome you to this article. Sony fans are welcomed also. The PSP Go........hmmmm....great idea but there is one MAJOR problem:

NO UMD DISKS!!! Come on an all digital system? I can't live with that. There were some AWESOME PSP 3000 games that were released and 50 more on the way. i'm talking games like the old GTA's Resistance Retribution, Star Wars Battlefront. STUFF Like THAT. Besides, ever since I payed a trip to the playstation store? HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE PRICES??!?!?!? AMAZING! 40 dollars for a 4 year old Avatar game. I am not lying buddy. On top of that the console is 250 dollars, I can buy 2 Nintendo Ds's and two basic flat panel 19 inch televisions, 2 iPhone 3g's, an Xbox Elte, a Wii with 6 new games, a 250 gig external harddrive, and plenty more. Also, on the PSP 3000 there was a designated input on the bottom of the system to plug in a cable that connects to the television. The PSP Go does not include that. Next to mention is that the USB input is not the same input you would use for your old PSP.The PSP go has a TOTALLY  different input so you have to track down and cough up an extra $20. (sad face)

Now I have made a list of the good things about the system



  • built in bluetooth
  • a playstation 3 interface
  • an SD card slot
  • 16 gigs built in
  • small, light and portable
  • nice graphics
  • heard the web browser was sweet
  • gta chinatown wars is next and so is resistance, motor storm, and LBP
  • I ALSO heard that new games will be released on the playstation sore before they hit UMD's
  • co-op with the PSP 3000 is simple
  • 2.0 headphones

you are able to play game demos


All of that for 250 bucks sorry Sony but I will just buy a new PSP 3000. I'm not prepared for all digital gaming and 250? what a rip.


Before you totally disagree with me these are FACTS. Later.

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