London 2012 The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games: Screenshots and Video Gameplay

Written by igcompany on Saturday, 28 July 2012 09:26.

The Opening ceremony last night was something amazing. It gone straight up to the no1 trending tweet on Twitter and the funny moments by Mr. Bean and James Bond were also well rated by the viewers.

The official video game for the London 2012 Olympics has been around for a while but we already made a video gameplay for it and we also have a screenshots gallery if you are not decided yet whether to buy it or not. The game even if it is the official one doesn't have all the sports (which it's kind of hard since there are a lot of sports) but has a lot of events. Also there are no real names in the game but it is fun to play and you won't pay attention to that.

I had a great time playing it and i assure you that you will have as well.

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PainKiller HD Screenshots and Trailer

Written by luuk on Friday, 27 July 2012 20:13.

PainKiller HD is gonna be the quake and doom killer!.

Check the video below about this fantastic upcoming game by Farm 51!.

And here are some exclusive first screenshots:

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1993 Game Releases by EA Sports

Written by igcompany on Tuesday, 10 July 2012 18:14.

Ready for another Game Releases by EA Sports article? Good. Then let's go!

Maybe many of you wondered what is the first game in the FIFA series? Well in 1993 EA Sports released the first game from this hystoric series and it was actually the first FIFA game beside the 1994 release that wasn't named by using a year.  FIFA International Soccer, that was the name for the first game in the FIFA series. There was madness in the whole world when EA released that game. It was maybe the single major sports game that didn't had a proper virtual release. EA Sports was on the wave in those years so they entered a market where they still lead with their FIFA 'enter year here' games.

The other two games, NHL and John Madden Football also started to be named by using years since 1993. NHL 94 and Madden 94 were their names. Maybe FIFA didn't had a year in it's name because EA wasn't that sure that the game will succeed but obviously it exceeded all of the expectations and here we are with the FIFA series leading in EA Sports earnings. Till date the FIFA series has sold over 100 million copies. There are very few games that managed to do that.

Now let's take a look at how the covers of those games looked like:

1. FIFA International Soccer (1993)

FIFA International Soccer (1993)

2. NHL '94 (1993)

NHL '94 (1993)

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1991 Game Releases by EA Sports

Written by igcompany on Sunday, 08 July 2012 09:51.

Just like we had for 1990, we also have four games for 1991. In that year gamers were happy because another John Madden game was coming out as well as another Baseball game. EA Sports seems like isn't making that much profit out of Baseball games nowadays so they aren't releasing baseball games anymore (or not as often as in the 1990's).

A new racing game has been released in 1991 by EA Sports called Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge and the third PGA Tour game was also out in 1991. Now EA has a contract with the best golf player, Tiger Woods so they are releasing PGA Tour under his name and only on consoles (like many of their games since they are getting better profit out of them).

The John Madden '92 game was signed by EA Sports Network. That was the first name the sports division of EA had before changing it's name to EA Sports as we it's known today.

Soon we will get closer to the year when the games started to look more realistic and have success worldwide.

1. Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge

Mario Andretti's Racing Challenge


PGA Tour Golf III

3. Earl Weaver Baseball II

Earl Weaver Baseball II

4. John Madden Football '92

John Madden Football '92

Which one have you played?

Hitman Absolution - A Screenshots Gallery with all the pictures we have until now

Written by igcompany on Saturday, 07 July 2012 16:23.

Hitman Absolution Cover

We are getting closer to the launch of Hitman Absolution which will take place in November this year. We waited so much for this game and the developers finally announced a month ago that the fifth game in the Hitman series will be released on November 20, 2012 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

The Hitman series doesn't need to many presentations since there has been even a movie made after the game. The movie was also a pretty good one just like the games. Hitman in my opinion redifines with every released game the term of tactical shooter. The way you must find clues and finish the mission is nowere near close to L.A. Noire. Of course they are two different games and not only because of the main characters (a paid assassin and a detective) but still ...

The fans of the game had to wait for six years to play another Hitman game. But i think the waiting will worth it.

Io Interactive stated that the action will take place in the United States. A more detailed location is Chicago. Also, Hitman: Absolution will be easier to play (can't imagine that and i hope it won't be easier to play since this is actually the main reason why many are playing Hitman, for it's mistery and for the way you must find clues and ways to finish the mission).

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