The Elder Scrolls V: Alinor Release Date?

Written by igcompany on 01 July 2010.

People are gone crazy and they all are looking for news about the upcoming Elder Scrolls game. I'm writing this article to calm all of you down.

There are a lot of posts over the internet that Bethesda Softworks announced The Elder Scrolls V: Alinor. As seen in this article: in that press comunicate they announced Fallout 4 as well. Fallout 4? We can consider New Vegas as 4 so can we expect for Elder Scrolls V: Alinor to be released and officialy announced? We'll see. But hey! If there wasn't a little true in this story it would be published on the internet on so many websites?

At E3 Bethesda didn't say nothing about the following Alinor so that makes me think if the roumor is true that they maybe are preparing for something big or the project is still in beta stage and it may take another couple of years till the game will be released. Anyways if you ask me i don't think Bethesda would miss the chance to earn money again from Elder Scrolls.

If it wasn't true they would probably didn't announce that Armor Games will produce the elder scrolls V. They just don't afford to do this at this level.

PS: Don't think that the guys from Armor Games don't know how to produce PC games as well.

Comments (11)

If armor hames makes it I will shit bricks, I will shit walls, hell Ill shit BUILDINGS!!! THere a flash game maker it has to be an april fools joke. I do hope it is in alinor tho and shummerset isle and its comeing out next year


obsidian games made new vegas with publication by bethesda so publications on tes V will probably make it as good as oblivion


i agree with the other guy if armor games makes it i will shit my intestines out,they said it will be like armor games "dawn of sorcery" or however you spell it idc, anyway play it its the gayest game in the fuking world i like e-s but i hope...

i agree with the other guy if armor games makes it i will shit my intestines out,they said it will be like armor games "dawn of sorcery" or however you spell it idc, anyway play it its the gayest game in the fuking world i like e-s but i hope they dont make a bad dission, i hope its in alinor (summerset ilse) and it comes out next year! 8)

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You lot did happen to notice the date on that post? April 1st..?


is it to much to ask for a relaunch of morrowind?


Yeah, Armor Games isn't a real video game developer. They make decent Flash games. Making the worlds most popular RPG... that may be a big step for them. Even if they did get help from Bethesda. Halfway through development, everybody will see how...

Yeah, Armor Games isn't a real video game developer. They make decent Flash games. Making the worlds most popular RPG... that may be a big step for them. Even if they did get help from Bethesda. Halfway through development, everybody will see how bad it will be, and then people will shit bricks.

I fell for that April Fools joke because I was so excited I didn't notice the obvious flaws, and other games have been announced on April Fools game before. Armor Games will not and can not make it. So, maybe Bethesda should shut up about Fallout for a bit, and start Making Elder Scrolls 5, because if they don't... I shall buy an angry mob and destroy their studios

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