Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition Cheats(PS3)

Written by igcompany.

Grand Theft Auto IV Cheats



Go to an internet cafe and type in this URL

a dating website
free themes for Niko's phone & ringtones for $100 each
Instant 5-star wanted level
Weapon, health, armor, vehicle, pigeon, ramp/stunt, and entertainment locations


Cell Phone Passwords

At any time during the game, pull out Niko's phone and dial these numbers for the desired effect.

Please note that cheats will affect missions and achievements.

Change weather 468-555-0100
Get a different selection of weapons 486-555-0150
Get a selection of weapons 486-555-0100
Raise wanted level 267-555-0150
Remove wanted level 267-555-0100
Restore armour 362-555-0100
Restore health, armor, and ammo 482-555-0100
Song information 948-555-0100
Spawn a Cognoscenti 227-555-0142
Spawn a Comet 227-555-0175
Spawn a Jetmax 938-555-0100
Spawn a Sanchez 625-555-0150
Spawn a SuperGT 227-555-0168
Spawn a Turismo 227-555-0147
Spawn an Annihiliator 359-555-0100
Spawn an FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100
Spawn an NRG-900 625-555-0100

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony Cheats


Cheat Codes

Dial these codes into your cell phone in game to gain the effect, go to the cheat menu in your cell phone to use previously entered cheats whenever.

Akuma (Bike) 625-555-0200
APC(Tank) 272-555-8265
Buzzard(Helicopter) 359-555-2899
Change Weather 468-555-0100
Floater(Boat) 938-555-0150
Health & Armour 362-555-0100
Health, Armor and Advanced Weapons 482-555-0100
Parachute 359-555-7272
Raise Wanted Level 267-555-0150
Remove Wanted Level 267-555-0100
Sniper rifle bullets explode 486-555-2526
Spawn Annihilator 359-555-0100
Spawn Bullet GT 227-555-9666
Spawn Cognoscenti 227-555-0142
Spawn Comet 227-555-0175
Spawn Jetmax 938-555-0100
Spawn NRG-900 625-555-0100
Spawn Sanchez 625-555-0150
Spawn Super GT 227-555-0168
Spawn Turismo 227-555-0147
Spawns a FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100
Super Punch (exploding punches) 276-555-2666
Vader(Bike) 625-555-3273
Weapons (Advanced) (New Weapons) 486-555-0100
Weapons (Poor) 486-555-0150

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned Cheats


Cheat codes for All Ranges, (NEW CODES)

Few codes based upon the new game, Some old codes work aswell.

Give Armor 362-555-0100
Gives Health, Armor And Ammo 482-555-0100
Lower Wanted Level 267-555-0100
Raise Wanted Level 267-555-0150
Weapon Package #1 486-555-0150
Weapon Package #2 486-555-0100

Spawn Vehicles

Press "up" on the D-pad twice to take out your phone and enter these cheats:

Spawn a Cognoscenti 227-555-0142
Spawn a Comet 227-555-0175
Spawn a FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100
Spawn a Jetmax 938-555-0100
Spawn a Sanchez 625-555-0150
Spawn a Super GT 227-555-0168
Spawn a Turismo 227-555-0147
Spawn an NRG-900 625-555-0100
Spawn Annihilator 359-555-0100
Spawn Burrito 826-555-0150
Spawn Double T 245-555-0125
Spawn Hakuchou 245-555-0199
Spawn Hexer 245-555-0150
Spawn Innovation 245-555-0100
Spawn Slamvan 826-555-0100


Comments (2)

get some new cheats
thay are borring and shit!

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