Call of Duty Black OPS Release date + New images !

Written by ShootBlood on 18 June 2010.

Call of Duty: Black OPS

By ShootBlood

Call of Duty: Black OPS is set to be 2010's best First Person Shooter game, delivering you the most intense Singleplayer and Multiplayer experience like you've never experienced it before.

cod7_1U.S. Soldier on mission in the jungle

The publishers said that they were looking for a Vietnam War-era tune, as well as Cuban, African and Soviet-Union music. On the E3, which was between 15-17th of June, people could see some stage-live-gameplay! This year's E3 was only for the press. There will be tons of new classes, perks, new modes and of course, new weapons such as a crossbow with three kinds of different ammunition (grenades, bolts? and ...).


cod7_3On mission


"The game is already in production" as we've heard from some of the insiders.


cod7_4Treyarch makes the game


The game will offer you much more then Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2?! That sounds like a challenge alot of Call of Duty, and FPS fans would only dream of. Well your dreams might just come true! The game will be released on the 10th of November, 2010 for Playstation® 3, Xbox360 and PC.


cod7_2On Mission/Patrol


cod7_5The Crossbow



cod7_6Motion Capturing


cod7_7 This is how the gamecase wil probably look like


I'll be releasing more information, images and videos about Call of Duty: Black OPS soon! Stay tuned and check out every day!

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