Stuntman Ignition Cheats(Xbox360)
Go to Extra's on the Main Menu, select "Cheat Codes" and enter the following password.
Effect | Password |
3 Props in Stunt Creator Mode | COOLPROP |
All Items Unlocked for Construction Mode | NOBLEMAN |
All Vehicles | RANDARLUV |
Click the Left Analog-stick to access the "Dream", "RC Car", "Puke Cam" | GFXMODES |
Faster gameplay | OVERCRANK |
Several new camera effects and styles | GFXMODES |
Slow-Mo/Thrill Camera | hollywood |
Track arena and Ice arena in Construction mode | STEELEJUSTIN |
Unlock All Cheats | Kungfoopete |
Unlock Ice Wheels Cheat | IceAge |
Unlock Nitro Addiction Cheat | TheDuke |
Unlock Touchable Cheat | Imtarex |
Unlock Vision Switcher Cheat | Wearefrozen |
Unlocks the MVX Spartan | fastride |
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