G.I. JOE™: The Rise of Cobra™ Preview (XBOX360)

Written by igcompany on 01 July 2010.

G.I. JOE™: The Rise of Cobra™ Box

Game Info

Suit up, grab your gear and prepare to lock and load as you take control of the elite G.I. JOE team against the evil forces of COBRA. Based on the upcoming film from Paramount Pictures, the G.I. JOE video game picks up where the movie leaves off, allowing players to re-create and re-live the greatest moments from the blockbuster film, cartoon and action figure toy line.

Built for the NDS

Unique top-down action game made specifically for the DS.


Create your own G.I. JOE vs. COBRA battles up to 4 players (via Wi-Fi DS connection)

G.I. JOE™: The Rise of Cobra™

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