Katamari Forever Cheats (PS3)
Unlockable How to unlock
Big Katamari (Bronze) - Created a Katamari over 500m.
Collector (Bronze) - Completed 80% of the collection.
Completionist (Gold) - Completed 100% of the Collection.
Congratulations! (Gold) - Completed all Requests in Katamari Forever mode.
Cousin Friendly (Bronze) - Rolled up 30 Cousins.
Creator (Silver) - Created 200 katamaris.
Endurer (Silver) - Obtained 50,000 points in the punishment mini-game.
Enormous Katamari (Silver) - You made a katamari over 2,000,000km!
Eternal Roller (Silver) - Completed all Requests in Eternal mode.
Fashion Conscious (Bronze) - Collected 30 Presents.
Fast Roller (Bronze) - Performed the Dash exactly 6 times before completing a Request.
First Katamari (Bronze) - Completed a request.
Hi-Scorer (Silver) - Obtained 50,000 points in the ending mini-game.
Hopper (Bronze) - Performed the Prince Hop exactly 7 times before completing a Request.
Huge Katamari (Bronze) - Created a Katamari over 10,000km.
Katamari Destroyer (Bronze) - Destroyed the katamari 50 times before completing a Request.
Katamari Fanatic (Gold) - Completed all Requests in Classic Katamari mode.
Katamari Speedster (Gold) - Completed all Requests in Katamari Drive mode.
Mini-Gamer (Bronze) - Played through all mini-games.
Movie Fan (Bronze) - Watched 5 movies in a row in Movies.
Multiplayer (Bronze) - Played through VS Battle or Co-op 30 times.
Music Lover (Bronze) - Listend to 5 songs in Music.
Photographer (Bronze) - Viewed a photo in the Photo Album.
Platinum Katamari - Collected all trophies
Present Collector (Gold) - Collected all Presents.
Quick Turn Expert (Bronze) - Performed the Quick Turn exactly 5 times before completing a Request.
Rankings Lover (Bronze) - Viewed the Network Rankings 5 times.
Rolling Expert (Bronze) - Rolled up 7,650 objects before completing a Request.
Single Player (Bronze) - Played through 50 single player Requests in a row.
Stardust (Bronze) - Turned a katamari into stardust.
Unforgiving (Bronze) - Punished over 50 times.
We Love Cousins (Gold) - Rolled up all Cousins.
We Love Stardust (Silver) - Turned 50 katamaris into dust.
Zombie Apocalypse Cheats (PS3)
Unlockable How to unlock
A Week to Live (Silver) - Complete 7 days in any game mode without dying
Anniversary of the Dead (Gold) - Complete the Final Day, in either Single or Multiplayer, and finish the game
Can't Touch This (Bronze) - Rack up a lOOx multiplier in any game mode
Environmental Awareness (Bronze) - Kill a zombie using an environmental hazard in any game mode
Friends in Low Places (Silver) - Save 25 survivors in any game mode
Gas Powered (Bronze) - Complete an entire arena, getting every kill with the Chainsaw
Gun Shop (Bronze) - Kill at least one zombie with each weapon type in any game mode
Hotter than Hell (Silver) - Complete the final day of the "7 Days of Hell" unlockable mode
Interior Decorator (Bronze) - Kill 25 zombies in any game mode using environmental hazards
More the Merrier (Bronze) - Kill 10 or more zombies at the same time in any game mode
Socialite (Bronze) - Play in an online multiplayer game
Tour of the City (Bronze) - Complete each arena at least once in the same game in any game mode
Cabelas Outdoor Adventures 2010 Cheats (PS3)
Unlockable How to unlock
A True Hunter’s Sense (Gold) - Complete any level without using Hunter Sense
Bronze Beauty (Bronze) - Get your first Bronze Medal
Cool Silver (Bronze) - Get your first Silver Medal
Duck And Cover (Bronze) - Collect all the Cover Points in any hunt
Easy As Falling Off A Log (Bronze) - Survive the log balance event
F+ (Bronze) - Complete any objective without getting a medal
Goldilocks’ Revenge (Bronze) - Bag all 4 bears in the game
Heartbreaker (Silver) - Perform 14 heart shots
I Immediately Regret This Decision (Bronze) - Escape the Bear pit
I Love Gooold! (Gold) - Get all Gold Medals in any level
I Walk The Line (Bronze) - Cross all the log balance events
It’s A Long Shot (Gold) - Bag an animal from beyond 80 yards
Metal Deer Solid (Silver) - Bag any deer from within 9 yards
Muzzlelover (Silver) - Hunt 30 animals with a muzzleloader
One Shot, Two Kills (Silver) - Shoot 2 animals with one shotgun shot
Pistolero! (Silver) - Hunt 30 animals with a pistol
Platinum Trophy - Get all trophies
Searching For Meaning (Bronze) - Used a scope 42 times
Silent Hunter (Bronze) - Shoot any animal with a crossbow
Solid Gold (Bronze) - Get your first Gold Medal
Splinter Smell (Silver) - Get within 6 yards of any animal without alerting it
Ultimate Hunter (Gold) - Get all Gold Medals for all hunts
Ultimate Tracker (Gold) - Collect at least 90 animal signs
Wasically Wabbits (Bronze) - Shoot 20 rabbits
Welcome To The Order (Gold) - Complete the game
What Big Teeth You Have (Bronze) - Survive a predator hunt
William Tell (Silver) - Hunt 30 animals with a crossbow
Heroes Over Europe Cheats (PS3)
Unlockable How to unlock
352 FG Ace (Silver) - Complete 352 FG campaign on Ace difficulty.
352 FG Pilot (Silver) - Complete 352 FG campaign on Pilot or higher difficulty.
352 FG Rookie (Bronze) - Complete 352 FG campaign on Rookie or higher difficulty.
487 Sqn Ace (Silver) - Complete 487 Sqn campaign on Ace difficulty.
487 Sqn Pilot (Silver) - Complete 487 Sqn campaign on Pilot or higher difficulty.
487 Sqn Rookie (Bronze) - Complete 487 Sqn campaign on Rookie or higher difficulty.
72 Sqn Ace (Silver) - Complete 72 Sqn campaign on Ace difficulty.
72 Sqn Pilot (Silver) - Complete 72 Sqn campaign on Pilot or higher difficulty.
72 Sqn Rookie (Bronze) - Complete 72 Sqn campaign on Rookie or higher difficulty.
79 Sqn Ace (Silver) - Complete 79 Sqn campaign on Ace difficulty.
79 Sqn Pilot (Silver) - Complete 79 Sqn campaign on Pilot or higher difficulty.
79 Sqn Rookie (Bronze) - Complete 79 Sqn campaign on Rookie or higher difficulty.
Ace Killer (Bronze) - Ace Kill an enemy.
Ace of Spades (Bronze) - Pilot Ace Kill an enemy boss.
Air to Air (Bronze) - Destroy an enemy fighter with rockets.
Big Game Hunter (Silver) - Ace Kill every enemy plane type.
Bombardier (Bronze) - Destroy a ground target with a bomb.
Cautious (Silver) - Complete a mission with full health.
Collector (Silver) - Unlock all plane upgrades.
Death from Above (Silver) - Bomb an airborne enemy plane.
Dive! Dive! Dive! (Bronze) - Dive bomb a ground target.
Energy Attack (Bronze) - Destroy a plane while diving at full speed.
Fighter Ace (Bronze) - Come first in a multiplayer game with five or more players flying a fighter.
Fireworks Display (Bronze) - Perform an ammo box Ace Kill.
Hero Over Europe (Platinum) - Earn all of the trophies in the game.
On The Edge (Bronze) - Complete a mission with only 25% health remaining.
Phoney War (Silver) - Complete the mission Phoney War.
Pilot Hunter (Bronze) - Pilot Ace Kill 10 enemies.
Ramming Speed (Bronze) - Destroy three bombers by ramming.
Red Baron (Silver) - Shoot down five enemies with a single life in a multiplayer game.
Seasoned Ace (Gold) - Complete all campaigns on Ace difficulty.
Seasoned Pilot (Silver) - Complete all campaigns on Pilot or higher difficulty.
Seasoned Rookie (Silver) - Complete all campaigns on Rookie or higher difficulty.
Sharp Shooter (Silver) - Complete a mission with 75% accuracy or higher.
Specialist (Bronze) - Play a full multiplayer round using each type of plane available in a level.
Spectator (Bronze) - On the winning team without a kill in multiplayer with 5 or more players.
Super Ace (Bronze) - Score 50 kills in ranked multiplayer games.
Support Chief (Bronze) - Come first in a multiplayer game with five or more players flying a fighter-bomber.
Tank Hunter (Silver) - Destroy 50 tanks using rockets in Battle of the Bulge.
The Oskar (Silver) - Use rockets to destroy 5 enemies on a single life in multiplayer with 5 or more players.
The Sweetspot (Bronze) - Chain two Ace Kills in the 'Zone'.
Ultimate Ace (Silver) - Score 250 kills in ranked multiplayer games.
Vivisectionist (Bronze) - Take out two engines and a gunner in one Ace Kill.
Beaufighter TF Mk X - Complete Operation Cerberus on Pilot difficulty
Bf-109 E4 - Complete London Burning on Rookie difficulty
Bf-109 E4 Ace - Complete Heart of the Empire on Ace difficulty
Bf-109 G10 - Complete Heart of the Empire on Pilot difficulty
Bf-109 G6 - Complete London Burning on Pilot difficulty
Bf-110 C-4 - Complete Firestorm on Rookie difficulty
Bf-110 G-4 - Complete Firestorm on Pilot difficulty
Fw190 A8 - Complete Operation Jericho on Rookie difficulty
Fw190 F8 - Complete Operation Jericho on Pilot difficulty
Fw190 F8 Ace - Complete The Butcher's Birds on Ace difficulty
G41 Meteor Mk III - Complete Eye of the Storm on Ace difficulty
He 219A-7/Rl Owl - Complete Firestorm on Ace difficulty
Hurricane Mk I I-c - Complete Phoney War on Pilot difficulty
Hurricane Mk I I-d - Complete Defense of the Realm on Pilot difficulty
Ju-87-B Stuka - Complete Fighter Superiority on Rookie difficulty
Macchi.202 Folgore - Complete Defense of the Realm on Ace difficulty
Me-262 A-2 - Complete Operation Jericho on Ace difficulty
Me-262 Ace - Complete The Black Heart on Ace difficulty
Mosquito FB Mk V Series 3 - Complete Party Crashers on Pilot difficulty
Mosquito NF Mk V Series 2 - Complete Operation Cerberus on Rookie difficulty
P-38J Lightning - Complete Eagle Day on Ace difficulty
P-40-B Tomahawk - Complete Phoney War on Rookie difficulty
P-47B Thunderbolt - Complete Party Crashers on Rookie difficulty
P-47D-23 Thunderbolt - Complete The Butcher's Birds on Pilot difficulty
P-51A Mustang - Complete Eagle Day on Rookie difficulty
P-51D (NA-124) Mustang - Complete Battle of the Bulge on Pilot difficulty
P-51D Mustang - Complete Battle of the Bulge on Rookie difficulty
P-51H (NA-126) Mustang - Complete The Black Heart on Pilot difficulty
P-61 Black Widow - Complete The Black Heart on Rookie difficulty
P-80 Shooting Star - Complete Battle of the Bulge on Ace difficulty
Spitfire Mk I-a - Complete Defense of the Realm on Rookie difficulty
Spitfire Mk IX-c - Complete Fighter Superiority on Ace difficulty
Spitfire Mk V-b - Complete Fighter Superiority on Pilot difficulty
Spitfire XVI-e - Complete Party Crashers on Ace difficulty
Swordfish - Complete Heart of the Empire on Rookie difficulty
Tempest FB Mk II - Complete Eye of the Storm on Pilot difficulty
Tempest Mk V-II - Complete Eye of the Storm on Rookie difficulty
Typhoon Mk I-b - Complete The Butcher's Birds on Rookie difficulty
Whirlwind Mk II - Complete Eagle Day on Pilot difficulty
Yak-9U - Complete Phoney War on Ace difficulty
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Cheats (PS3)
Unlockable How to unlock
All missions successfully completed (Gold) - Successfully Complete All Missions
Dragon Sword Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Dragon Sword
Dual Katana Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Dual Katana
Eclipse Scythe Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Eclipse Scythe
Enma’s Fang Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Enma’s Fang
Falcon’s Talons Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Falcon’s Talons
Feat of a Hundred Slashes (Bronze) - 100 Hit Combo With Any Weapon
Feat of a Thousand Obliterations (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies Using Obliteration Techniques
Feat of Ultimate Destruction (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies Using Ultimate Techniques
Guillotine Throw Master (Bronze) - Perform 1000 Guillotine Throws
Izuna Drop Master (Bronze) - Perform 1000 Izuna Drops
Kusari-Gama Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Kusari-Gama
Learned Shadowless Footsteps (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Shadowless Footsteps Technique
Learned The Art of Flame Phoenix (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Art of the Flame Phoenix Ninpo
Learned The Art of Inferno (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Art of the Inferno Ninpo
Learned The Art of Piercing Void (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Art of the Piercing Void Ninpo
Learned The Art of Wind Blades (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Art of the Wind Blades Ninpo
Learned The Counter Attack (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Counter Attack Technique
Learned The Flying Bird Flip (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Flying Bird Flip Technique
Learned The Flying Swallow (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Flying Swallow Technique
Learned The Furious Wind (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Furious Wind Technique
Learned The Guillotine Throw (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Guillotine Throw Technique
Learned The Invisible Path (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Invisible Path Technique
Learned The Izuna Drop (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Izuna Drop Technique
Learned The Obliteration Technique (Bronze) - Successfully Perform Obliteration Technique
Learned The Reverse Wind (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Reverse Wind Technique
Learned The Ultimate Guidance (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Ultimate Guidance Technique
Learned The Ultimate Technique (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Ultimate Technique
Learned The Unrivaled Soaring (Bronze) - Successfully Perform The Unrivaled Soaring Technique
Lunar Staff Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Lunar Staff
Master Of The Secret Arts (Platinum) - Obtain all trophies.
Rescued 100 ninja. (Bronze) - Rescue 100 People In Need
Tonfa Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Tonfa
Ultimate Ninpo Master (Bronze) - Chant 100 Ultimate Ninpo Spells
Vigoorian Flail Master (Bronze) - Defeat 1000 Enemies With The Vigoorian Flail