Skate Cheats(PS3)

Written by igcompany.


Code for Best Buy Clothes

Enter code at Main Menu

Unlocks Best Buy Clothes in store D-pad Up, D-pad Down, D-pad Left, D-pad Right, Square, R1, Triangle, L1

The Simpsons Game Cheats(PS3)

Written by igcompany.


Unlock all costumes and trophies.

Enter the following code while at the main menu. Costumes can be used and trophies viewed during the current gameplay session only.

Unlock all Homer's costumes and trophies. Left Right Triangle Triangle Square L3
Unlock all Lisa's costumes and trophies. Square, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle, L3
Unlock all Marge's Costumes and Trophies Triangle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, R3
Unlocks Bart's Costumes and Trophies Right, Left, Square, Square, Triange, R3

Silent Hill: Homecoming Cheats(PS3)

Written by igcompany.


Secret Outfit

This code is entered at the "Press Start" screen. After Entering you should hear the sound of a page turning

Unlocks the Young Alex Costume up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, O

Shank Cheats(PS3)

Written by igcompany.


Death Spank Costume

After completing the story, go to any level and pause the game then enter the following code. Up, Square, Down, Circle, Left, Triangle, Right, X

Death Spank Costume Up, Square, Down, Circle, Left, Triangle, Right, X

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Cheats(PS3)

Written by igcompany.


Bonus Level

In Score Ranking in Pause Menu on Overworld.

Sound Check Level L1, L1, L1, R1, R1, R1, L1, R1


Enter at the title screen

Allow two players to select the same character Down R1 Up L1 Triangle Circle
Begin level with Power of Love (sword from 7-2) Square, Square, Square, X, Circle, Triangle
Boss Rush Right, Right, Circle, R1, Right, Right, Circle, R1
Changes coin sprites into animal sprites Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up
Enables Blood Mode X, Circle, X, Square, X, Circle Circle
Hearts Appear when hitting Opponent XOXO(Square)XOO
Sacrifice Life for $50 While HOLDing L2+R2 Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right O X
Unlock Zombie Mode Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Right, Right

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