Wolfenstein 3D Cheats(PC)
Effect | Code |
Add VBLs | [Tab] + V |
Change Border Color | [Tab] + B |
Display Coordinates | [Tab] + F |
Display number of items, doors, etc | [Tab] + C |
Extra Stuff | [Tab] + W |
Free Items | [Tab] + I |
God Mode | [Tab] + G |
Lose Health | [Tab] + H |
Memory Usage | [Tab] + M |
Pause without messages | [Tab] + P |
Quit | [Tab] + Q |
Skip two levels | [Tab] + E |
Slow Motion | [Tab] + S |
View graphics and sound | [Tab] + T |
Wolfenstein Cheats(PC)
Effect | Code |
All Intel | giveallintel |
Give All Veil Powers | givepowers |
Gives All Power Upgrades | giveallpowerupgrades |
Gives desired amount of money | givegold |
God Mode | god |
Ignored by enemies | notarget |
Sets total Money to $31,337 | momoney |
Unlocks Achievements | giveachievements |
Unlocks Objectives | giveobjectives |
Effect | Code |
Spawns a blonde Elite Guard armed with a dagger. | spawn enemies_elite_guard |
Spawns a brunette Elite Guard armed with a whip. | spawn enemies_elite_guard_02 |
Spawns a Flamethrower Trooper. | spawn enemies_ak_flame_trooper |
Spawns a friendly Kreisau soldier armed with an MP40 smg. Valid characters are 01 to 05. | spawn allies_kreisau_soldier_01 |
Spawns a green Despoiled (flaming skeleton). | spawn enemies_despoiled_green |
Spawns a Heavy Trooper. | spawn enemies_ak_heavy_trooper |
Spawns a red Despoiled (flaming skeleton). | spawn enemies_despoiled_red |
Spawns a Rocket Trooper with a jetpack. | spawn enemies_ak_rocket_trooper |
Spawns a Scribe (magic user). | spawn enemies_scribe |
Spawns a Sniffer (mutant). | spawn enemies_sniffer |
Spawns a Wehrmacht officer armed with an MP40 smg. | spawn enemies_wehrmacht_officer |
Spawns a Wehrmacht sniper armed with a sniper rifle. | spawn enemies_wehrmacht_sniper |
Spawns a Wehrmacht soldier armed with a Kar98 rifle (may cause map to crash if this enemy type is not already present in the level). | spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry |
Spawns a Wehrmacht soldier armed with an MP40 smg. | spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry_mp40 |
Spawns an Altered (giant, invincible mutant) | spawn enemies_altered |
Spawns an Assassin. | spawn enemies_ak_assassin |
Spawns an SS officer armed with an MP43 assault rifle. | spawn enemies_SS_officer |
Spawns an SS soldier armed with an MP43 assault rifle. | spawn enemies_SS_sentry |
Spawns friendly Erik Engle armed with an MP40 smg. Has more health than a basic Kreisau soldier. | spawn allies_kreisau_erik |
Wizard's Warchest Cheats(PC)
Etherlords Cheats
Effect | Code |
Gives list of spells and codes for the add command | view spells |
Your hero's health | health |
Add given creature to combat | add creature (creature code) |
Change hero's current attributes, as follows: | change what # |
give # of all resources save ether | give all # |
give 15 of all resources save ether | give all |
hide enemy's hand | hide_hand |
hide fog of war | hide_fog |
load mission | load |
lose combat | lose |
lose mission | lose |
master code | EtherRevelation |
More info about combatant | view players |
Put chosen spell into your hand | add spell (spell code) |
remove fog of war | open_fog |
save mission | save |
Set enemy hero's health in combat | change enemy # |
Set hero's health in combat | change health # |
Set hero's mana in combat | change mana # |
Set hero's mana links in combat | change link # |
Swap enemy and yourself | swap |
view enemy's hand | view_hand |
win combat | win |
win mission | win |
Your hero's current mana | mana |
Your hero's mana links | links |
More codes
Enter the master code as described above and then type:
Effect | Code |
army information | view army |
view player information | player |
view resources | view resources |
Etherlords II Cheats
Press ~ to open the console then enter etherrevelation to enable cheat mode. Then enter any of the following codes:
Effect | Code |
15 of all resources except ether | give all |
Add creature | add creature [creature code] |
Add spell | add spell [spell code] |
Hide enemy hand | hide_hand |
Info about combatants | view players |
Info about your army | view army |
Info about your hand | view hand |
List spell and creature codes | view spells |
Lose mission/battle | lose |
Player information | player |
Quick load | load |
Quick save | save |
Remove fog of war | open_fog |
Restore fog of war | hide_fog |
Set enemy hero's health | change enemy health # |
Set enemy hero's mana | change enemy mana # |
Set enemy hero's mana links | change enemy links # |
Set hero's health | change health # |
Set hero's mana | change mana # |
Set hero's mana links | change links # |
Swap enemy with yourself | swap |
View resource info | view resources |
View enemy hand | view_hand |
View info about creature | view creature |
Win mission/battle | win |
Effect | Code |
Adds the creature to the playing field | add creature XXXX |
Adds the spell to your hand | add spell XXXX |
Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul Cheats
Cheat menu
Open the console with the key.
Effect | Code |
All mission map objects | lootall |
Get # exp | give 0 exp # |
Get # money | give 0 money # |
Opens cheat menu | thingamabob |
Quit game | quit |
Show all Codes | help |
Toggle frame rate display | fps |
Level names
Use one of the following values with the @leavetozone(0,"
Effect | Password |
Abandoned mines | gz12k |
Abandoned mines | bz11k |
Catacombs | gz20g |
Cave | gz5g |
Cave; meeting place | bz18h |
City and surrounding areas | gz11k |
City of Ingos | bz8k |
City of Suslanger and surrounding area | gz18h |
Dead city | gz9g |
Death canyon | gz15h |
Dragon's lair | bz3g |
Foothills | gz3g |
Forbidden catacombs | gz14k |
Fortress | bz13h |
Great Mage's Catacomb | bz7g |
Green clan's residence | bz9k |
Karansul's domain | gz13k |
Khadaganian expedition camp | bz4g |
Last Shelter | bz14h |
Lizard hermit's home | bz5g |
Middle mountains | gz6g |
Necromancers' desert | gz17h |
New Green clan's residence | bz10k |
Old Necromancer's tower | bz15h |
Portal | gz19h |
Remote mountains | gz4g |
Ruins | gz1g |
Sands | gz8g |
Secret trading place | bz16h |
Sheivar settlement | bz6g |
The river and the islands | gz7g |
The road to the witch | gz2g |
Tunnel | gz10g |
Village | bz1g |
Witch's cave | bz2g |
Wormheads' cave | gz16h |
Witchaven II Cheats(PC)
Console Codes
Type the following codes into the console for the desired effect.
Effect | Code |
Add some armor | armor |
Become invisible | invis |
Cast a fireball spell. | fireball |
Cast a flight spell. | flight |
Cast a Magic Arrow spell | magicarrow |
Cast an Open Doors Spell | opendoors |
Cast fly spell | fly |
Cast Freeze Spell | freeze |
Cast Nightvision on self. | nightvision |
Cast Nuke Spell. | nuke |
Cast Scare Spell. | scare |
Commit Suicide | killme |
Drink a free cure poison potion | curepoison |
Drink a free health potion. | health |
Drink a free resist fire potion. | resistfire |
Drink a free Strength Potion. | strength |
Drink One of Every Potion | potions |
Enchant weapons | enchant |
Get a Ciraen Shield. | shield2 |
Get a Midian Shield. | shield |
Get a Pentagram. | pentagram |
Get all keys | keys |
Get all Weapons | Weapons |
God Mode | Marketing |
Instantly gain 10,000 Experience | experience |
Learn All Spells | spells |
Level Select | Type ''level'' into the console. |
Reveal the Entire map. | showmap |
See a Flashing Skull | scareme |
See Everything on the map. | showobjects |
Show position of actors. | list |
Start the "Hero Timer" | herotime |
View Credits | intracorp |
View the "Death Put" Sequence | spikeme |
Weapons Never Break | nobreak |