Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Cheats(PC)

Written by igcompany.


During gameplay press 'Enter' and then type in these phrases without the quotes to enable the effect (these codes are not case-sensitive).

Get 10,000 XP:
Type the phrase 'nova & orion'.

Get 10,000 Coin:
Type the phrase 'give me liberty or give me coin'.

Get 10,000 Food:
Type the phrase 'medium rare please'.

Get 10,000 Wood:
Type ''.

Instant Win in Single-Player:
Type the phrase 'this is too hard'.

Reveal Map (Fog of War Remains):
Type the phrase 'x marks the spot'.

Spawns a George Crushington:
Type the phrase 'where's that axe?'.

Spawns a Tommynator:
Type the phrase 'tuck tuck tuck'.

Spawns the Mediocre Bombard:
Type the phrase 'ya gotta make do with what ya got'.

Speed Up Building, Shipments and Research:
Type the phrase 'speed always wins'.

Fattens ALL Animals on Map:
Type the phrase 'a recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese'.

When a Unit Destroys another Unit or Building Show Units '(name of unit)'ed' Message:
Type the phrase 'sooo good'.

While playing the game hit the enter key to type in the codes below.

Fatten All Animals- a recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese

Get 10,000 Coin- give me liberty or give me coin

Get 10,000 Food- medium rare please

Get 10,000 Wood-

Get 10,000 XP- nova & orion

Instantly Win In Single-player- this is too hard

Reveal Map- x marks the spot

Spawn 20 Muskeeteers at Town Center- Jacquesiscute

Spawn a George Crushington- where's that axe?

Spawn a Tommynator- tuck tuck tuck

Spawn the Mediocre Bombard- ya gotta make do with what ya got

Speed Up Building, Research, and Shipments- speed always wins

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