Written by igcompany on 28 June 2010.

Game Information

Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE has evolved and has a new name: DUEL EVOLUTION. Just like the real life Trading Card Game, you can duel, trade, and chat with fellow Duelists - only now they're fellow fans from all across the globe on your PC!

Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE DUEL EVOLUTION has been designed to offer a more personal and comprehensive recreation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, with an all-new graphical makeover, utilising elements of both the classic Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series and the new Yu-Gi-Oh! GX TV series.

Players can now create their own Avatar for use when dueling and interacting with other users in an all-new graphical environment. The new Duel Screen has been redesigned to offer a much more intense dueling experience, and with the new Deck Editor it is easier than ever to construct powerful decks. More than 650 new cards have been added, making it the most comprehensive library of cards in a Yu-Gi-Oh! game ever.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE DUEL EVOLUTION will be compatible with the existing DUELPASS system as well as offering a completely new DUELPASS format. The new DUELPASS scratch-cards are the gateway to the Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE DUEL EVOLUTION world and each card, once purchased, enables the user to play 30 online duels as well as giving access to specific cards within the game linked to that DUELPASS.

Cards are no longer categorized in ?Phases? as was the way with the previous Yu-Gi-Oh! ONLINE system, now each DUELPASS is named and gives the potential to unlock a host of cards linked to that DUELPASS. The first DUELPASS of this nature is called the E-HERO EVOLUTION DECK and is available from mid-February 2007. Further DUELPASSES will be released throughout the year.

The DUELPASS is available at selected retailers. A special electronic version of the DUELPASS with 150 DUELPASS Points ? which is the equivalent of 150 duels ? is also available and can be bought via credit card on the game?s website.

  • 650 New cards have been added
  • Completely redesigned graphics and locations
  • More personalisation ? create your own avatar
  • Fully compatible with existing DUELPASS cards
  • Completely free download

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