Backbreaker Cheats(PS3)
Unlock Teams
When you complete the following tasks the corresponding hidden team will become an available option.
Unlock Anchorage Watchmen:
Complete Tackle Alley mode.
Unlock Backbreaker All-Stars:
Complete Road To Backbreaker mode.
Unlock Milwaulkee Mariners:
Complete Training mode.
Lost Planet 2 Cheats(PS3)
Mass Credits - Commandeering the Overland Battleship
Episode 5, Chapter 3 is by far the best area for gathering Credits. This mission can be completed very quickly with human teammates.
These credits come toward the end of the mission, after you've captured the control unit on the enemy battleship and held it for 60 seconds. NEVEC will then initiate the battleship's self-destruct sequence. The countdown is for 90 seconds. A load of [?] Boxes will drop down from above when the countdown starts. Boxes will continue to pour in until the end of the countdown, so it's well-worth sticking around to collect them. You could end up with more than 80 boxes by the end, which makes this chapter ideal for earning Credits.
Provided you still have some Battle Gauge left, it's best to remain in the enemy's battleship until the end. You won't fail the mission if you're in the enemy's ship when it self-destructs unless the death completely depletes your team's Battle Gauge (ex., you're one player and you only have 500 points). You'll simply respawn when the ship self-destructs if you have enough left in your Battle Gauge to ride it out.
Bonus Slot Machine
Another slot machine will become available when you have unlocked ALL the items from the 2,000-credit slot machine. This slot machine requires 10,000 credits to play and will give you faction level-up awards without you having to level up to earn them.
Unlock AI Enemy Battle
This feature becomes available when you have completed ALL the training levels and modes for both Basic and Advanced training.
Slot Machine Passwords
Press Square at the 'LP2 Slot Machine' Roulette and then enter the following codes to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Unlock T-Shirt:
Enter the code 25060016
Unlock T-Shirt:
Enter the code 88020223
Shield Laser
Get 2,000 Thermal Energy and equip a shield. Then hold Start + Select to fire a lethal laser from it.
Faction Bonuses
The following faction bonuses will become available when you earn the indicated amount of points.
Snow Pirates
Carpetbagger A Model: 10 points.
Mountain Pirate Model: 20 points.
Hunter Model: 30 points.
Sea Dog Model: 40 points.
Flamethrower SP: 50 points.
Carpetbagger B Model: 60 points.
Bug Rancher Model: 70 points.
Snow Pirate Full Customization Unlocked: 80 points.
Carpetbagger Leader Model: 90 points.
Crimson Pirate Leader Model: 99 points.
Femmes Fatales
Jungle Pirate Female Model: 10 points.
Waysider Female Model: 20 points.
Firecracker: 30 points.
Desert Female Model: 40 points.
Shotgun SP: 50 points.
Nevec Female Model: 60 points.
Energy Gun SP: 70 points.
Femmes Fatales Full Customization Unlocked: 80 points.
Desert Female Leader Model: 90 points.
Carpetbagger Female Leader Model: 99 points.
Waysider A Model: 10 points.
Mercenary B Model: 20 points.
Shuriken: 30 points.
Mercenary C Model: 40 points.
Hand Cannon SP: 50 points.
Waysider B Model: 60 points.
Gun Sword SP: 70 points.
Rounders Full Customization Unlocked: 80 points.
Waysider Leader Model: 90 points.
Mercenary Leader Model: 99 points.
Fight Junkies
Sandraider A Model: 10 points.
Vagabundo A Model: 20 points.
Jungle Pirate B Model: 30 points.
Sandraider B Model: 40 points.
Vagabundo B Model: 50 points.
Sandraider C Model: 60 points.
Jungle Pirate C Model: 70 points.
Fight Junkies Full Customization Unlocked: 80 points.
Vagabundo Leader Model: 90 points.
Jungle Pirate Leader Model: 99 points.
Nevec A Model: 10 points.
Nevec B Model: 20 points.
Plasma Gun SP: 30 points.
Nevec C (No Fin) Model: 40 points.
Plasma Cannon SP: 50 points.
Nevec C (Fin) Model: 60 points.
V-Device SP: 70 points.
Nevec Full Customization Unlocked: 80 points.
Nevec Leader Model: 90 points.
Nevec Leader 2 Model: 99 points.
Unlock Extreme Mode
This difficulty setting becomes available when you beat the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Unlock Weapons
When you complete the indicated task the corresponding weapon will become an available option.
Unlock Machine Gun SP:
Have a saved game file from the Lost Planet 2 demo.
Unlock Shuriken:
Reach level 30 with rounders
Unlock Fire Cracker:
Reach level 30 with Femme fatale
Unlock Shotgun SP:
Reach level 50 with Femme fatale
Unlock Customized Character in Campaign Mode
When you have beaten the game you will be able to use your customized character in Campaign mode.
Unlock Special Titles
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding special title.
Unlock Devil May Cry Title:
Have a saved game file from Devil May Cry 4.
Unlock Street Fighter Title:
Have a saved game file from Street Fighter 4.
Unlock BSAA Title:
Have a saved game file from Resident Evil 5.
Unlock Skins
When you have the following requirements in the indicated games the corresponding skin will become unlocked in Lost Planet 2.
Unlock Albert Wesker (Resident Evil series):
Already unlocked.
Unlock Frank West (Lost Planet):
Have a saved game file from Dead Rising or the original Lost Planet.
Unlock Marcus Phoenix and Dom Santiago (Gears Of War 3):
Complete the game.
Unlock Noms de Guerre (Devil May Cry):
Have a saved game file from Devil May Cry 4.
Band Hero Cheats(PS3)
Secret Notes
These become unlocked when you have played ALL of the songs on the disc by the artists the secret notes correspond to getting a score of 4 or more stars in either Career or Quickplay mode.
Secret Notes 1:
Hint: *e*** *c*****y. (Jesse McCartney)
Secret Notes 2:
Hint: **n** ***k***. (Janet Jackson)
Secret Notes 3:
Hint: *** *ol**** ****e*. (The Rolling Stones)
Secret Notes 4:
Hint: **l* *ll**. (Lily Allen)
Secret Notes 5:
Hint: A** * A*. (Aly & Aj)
Secret Notes 6:
Hint: ***o*n 5. (Maroon 5)
Secret Notes 7:
Hint: **v** *o***. (David Bowie)
Secret Notes 8:
Hint: *v***s***c*. (Evanescence)
Secret Notes 9:
Hint: H*****. (Hinder)
Secret Notes 10:
Hint: *a* B****a*. (Pat Benatar)
Secret Notes 11:
Hint: *o ***b*. (No Doubt)
Secret Notes 12:
Hint: ***v** **y*. (Marvin Gaye)
Secret Notes 13:
Hint: **i** *i***. (Spice Girls)
Secret Notes 14:
Hint: **ll*** ****l*. (Village People)
Secret Notes 15:
Hint: **l*** **ff. (Hillary Duff)
Secret Notes 16:
Hint: *e***w***d. (Yellow Card)
Secret Notes 17:
Hint: *h* *ll-**e***** **j****. (The All-American Rejects)
Secret Notes 18:
Hint: **y O*****. (Roy Orbison)
Secret Notes 19:
Hint: **r* **u****. (Carl Douglas)
Unlock Characters
When you complete the following tasks in Career mode the corresponding character will become available.
Unlock Adrian Young:
Complete Gig on No Doubt 'Don't Speak'.
Unlock Gwen Stefani:
Complete Gig on No Doubt 'Just A Girl'.
Unlock Frankenrocker:
Complete Diamond Bonus Challenge on Fall Out Boy 'Sugar, We're Goin' Down'.
Unlock Shadow Character:
Complete Gold Bonus Challenge on David Bowie 'Let's Dance'.
Unlock Adam Levine:
Complete Gig on Maroon 5 'She Will Be Loved'.
Unlock Taylor Swift:
Complete Gig on Taylor Swift 'Love Story'.
Unlock Tom Dumont:
Complete Gig on No Doubt 'Just A Girl'.
Unlock Tony Kanal:
Complete Gig on No Doubt 'Don't Speak'.
Cheat Codes
Most Characters:
Blue, Yellow, Green, Yellow, Red, Green, Red, Yellow
Invisible Characters:
Green, Red, Yellow, Green, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, Green
ALL Hammer Ons/Pull Offs:
Red, Green, Blue, Green, Blue, Green, Red, Green
Always Slide Mode:
Yellow, Green, Yellow(3), Red, Blue, Red
Auto Kick Mode:
Yellow, Green, Yellow, Blue(2), Red, Blue, Red
Performance Mode:
Yellow(2), Blue, Green, Blue, Red(3)
Focus Mode:
Yellow(2), Green(2), Red(2), Blue(2)
Electrika Steel:
Blue(2), Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue(2)
Air Instruments:
Blue, Yellow, Blue, Red(2), Yellow, Green, Yellow
HUD Free Mode:
Green, Red, Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Red
Unlock Extras
The following features become available when you complete the indicated Platinum Bonus Challenge in Career mode.Unlock Invisible Characters:
Complete the Platinum Bonus Challenge on 'Filter - Take A Picture'.
Unlock Air Instruments:
Complete the Platinum Bonus Challenge on 'Aly & AJ - Like Whoa'.
Unlock HUD Free Mode:
Complete the Platinum Bonus Challenge on 'Alphabeat - Fascination'.
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype Cheats(PS3)
The following features become available options when you complete the corresponding task.
Unlock Third ship:
Complete the 'Assassin' challenge.
Unlock Stage 5:
Collect at least 4 keys from any stage.
Unlock Stage 6:
Collect at least 4 keys from any three stages.
Unlock Stage 7:
Collect at least 4 keys from stages 1 through 6.
Unlock Difficulty Settings
Unlock Hard difficulty:
Complete the game under the Normal difficulty setting.
Unlock Very Hard difficulty:
Complete the game under the Hard difficulty setting.
Tony Hawk: Ride Cheats(PS3)
Unlock Quicksilver 80's Level
Select 'Options' at the 'Main' menu and then go to 'Cheats' and enter the case sensitive password 'FEELINGEIGHTIES' (without the quotes) to enable this feature.