Tomb Raider: Legend Cheats(Xbox360)

Written by igcompany.


Various Cheats for Tomb Raider

While in game, pull and hold the Left Trigger. Note that these codes can only be used after they are unlocked.

Bulletproof Hold LT: and press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB
Draw Enemy Health While holding LT, press: X-B-A-LB-RT-Y
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo Hold LB: and press A, B, A, LT, X, Y
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo Hold LB: and press LT, Y, RT, B, LT, X
Infinite Shotgun Ammo Hold LB: and press RT, B, X, LT, X, A
Infinite SMG Ammo Hold LB: and press B, Y, LT, RT, A, B
One Shot Kill in game, Hold LT then press Y + A + Y +X + LB + B
Textureless Mode While holding LT, press: LB-A-B-A-Y-RT
Wield Excalibur Hold LB: and press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT
Wield Soul Reaver Hold LB: and press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X

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