Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Cheats(PC)

Written by igcompany.

Type the following codes in the chat window:
king arthur - This changes birds into dragons

convert this! - New priest unit

pow big mamma - This gives a new unit: "BabyPrez"

stormbilly - To

To activate a cheat press the "enter" button on the keyboard. A bar will apear
Write this on the bar:

"pepperoni pizza" - 1000 food
"woodstock" - 1000 wood
"quarry" - 1000 stone
"coinage" - 1000 gold
"no fog" - eliminates the fog
"reveal map" - reveals all the map
"steroids" - villagers buid instantly
"king arthur" - birds turn in to dragons
"photon man" - a laser nuke trooper
"e=mc2 trooper - a powerfull nuke trooper(very cool, my favorite)
"pow" - a baby prez on a tricicle with a shotgun
"medusa" - a powerfull villager, when it died turns into a dark rider
"bigdaddy" - powerfull car with rocket launcher
"bigmomma" - a not so powerfull car whit rocket launcher
"bigbertha" - catapults turn powerfull
Flying dutchman" - boat walks on land
"hoyohoyo" - priest move very fast
"convert this!" - new priest unit

I heard of this ones but I never use them:

"black rain" - stealth archers, when not moving turn in trees
"home run" automaticalli win scenario
"ICBM" - incrise ballista range
"hari kari" - comit a suicide
"jack be nimble" - catapults fire peasants
"diediedie" - everyone dies
"resing" - resing game
"stormbilly" - robot
"grantlinkspence" - animals kill whit 1 bite

Recieve A Supercar

While in play press the return key and it will show a chat bar, once this comes up type in bigdaddy, and you will recieve the car at you town centre. (only can be enabled when you have a town centre)

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