Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheats (PC)
To enter to following cheats you have to access the console. To do that you have to hit the Tilde [~] key, then type in DebugMode 1 .
Cheat | Result |
dm_givegold # | - Gives the desired amount of gold |
dm_god | - Invincibility |
dm_unlockcamera | - Allows you to use the camera with better scrolling and the such |
givefeat # | - Add the feat to your currently selected character (use #'s 2 through around 500) |
giveitem [item tag] # | - Gives active player item |
givespell # | - Gives a spell identified by it's id number to the character. |
givexp # | - Gives the desired amount of XP to your character. |
givexp [-ve number] | - Decreases your experience points by the value entered |
irolltwenties | 20 in every statistic. |
polymorph # | - Turns your controlled character into a different creature. |
removefeat # | - Remove the feat corresponding to that number |
resetlevels | - Delevel you if your experience points is near to 0 |
rs ga_alignment(-1,0) | - To move one point towards evil |
rs ga_alignment(-1,1) | - To move one point towards Chaos |
rs ga_alignment(1,0) | - To move one point towards good |
rs ga_alignment(1,1) | - To move one point towards Law |
rs ga_influence (x,y) | - Raises influence level for that companion. |
rs ga_party_limit(6) | - Raises the amount of party members you may have at once to 6. Default is 3 in Act 1 and 4 in Acts 2 and 3. |
rs ga_time_advance(Hours,Min,Sec,Milli) | - Replace Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds with how much time you want to advance. |
rs kr_influence | - A simple influence editor, in the form of a dialogue. |
rs kr_roster_edit | - Opens a debug dialogue with an option to open the party roster to switch party members in and out at any time. (Use caution with other features there) |
Set Appearance # | - Makes your character have the appearance of the # in the res ref table of the 2da appearance file...*Note this is just appearance* |
SetCHA # | - Set charisma to given number. |
SetCON # | - Set constitution to given number. |
SetDEX # | - Set dexterity to given number. |
SetINT # | - Set intelligence to given number. |
SetSTR # | - Set strength to given number. |
SetWIS # | - Set wisdom to given number. |
unpolymorph | - Returns your controlled character to normal. |
rs gr_dm | - Spawns a Dungeon Master NPC who will allow you to spawn items, add journal entries, open stores, add/remove party members, and teleport. |
rs ga_global_int ("01_Mineral_New", "1") | - Get "1" more ore find. |
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