Zombie Shooter 2 Cheats(PC)

Written by igcompany.


Cheat codes

To enable cheat codes type letters on the keyboard during the game. In Survive mode, the codes do not work.

+100 skills of weapons reloading cheatw
+10000 money cheatm
+10000 money stm
+50 to the speed skill cheats
Adds enough exp for getting new level stexp
Adds enough exp for getting new level cheatexp
Complete level successfully stwnn
Download shop on the level stshop
Gives 1000 hp cheath
Gives 15000 hp st1
Gives some ammo stammo
Invincibility st2
Kill all monsters on the map stk9
Kills all monsters withing a radius of 1000 pixels from the character stkk
Makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential. also adds 50000 money stgod
Remove gamma on the level remgamma
Stop current track stmusstop
Turn on\off current statistics stat
Turn the x number of tracks stmus[x]

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