Public Opinion on Let's Players

Written by Zach on 05 April 2012.

If you are a gamer, more than likely you have heard of the term "Let's Play". Thousands of people every day on YouTube flock to watch their favorite entertainers play games and commentate for them, me being one of them.


However, some are obviously better than others. It depends on the type of commentary you like, as well as personality. Some, high end let's players only do it for the money. They don't actively respond to their fan base, and almost never host community events. My question to you is what is your opinion upon these Kings of the field who only are in it to make a profit? Do you find them to be funny, or just plain annoying with their commentary? If either, who is your favorite, and why? I am not going to list any names so as to keep it unbiased here, but I would like to see the public opinion upon who really entertains and who falls just short and is in it for profit. Feel free to post links to their channels as well.


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