What Are Your Favorite Gaming Peripherals?

Written by Zach on 07 April 2012.

If you are serious about gaming, you probably have invested some serious money into peripherals.


For me, I have a kick-ass mouse, headset, and aim to get a new keyboard soon. Personally, I prefer Razer for most of my peripheral needs. They don’t mess around. However, there are plenty of other decent companies to mention, such as Steelseries, Corsair, and Logitech. These are just some in an endless list, but my question is which do you prefer? They don’t even have to be from the same brand, just list your favorite set up of mice, keyboards, headsets, you name it! Please note, however, that I would like to keep this article about mainly PC peripherals. However, some controllers for PCs do count, such as ones you use to fly in games such as Battlefield.

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