Crysis 3 Teaser (Trailer to follow on april24th)
Just a few days after we announced that Crysis 3 is in development and that it will be released during the next spring EA released a teaser trailer simultaneous with Konami's teaser of PES 2013 and following the same strategy: releasing the official trailer for the game 4 days later, on april 24th.
Gamers will be pretty busy these days because they will get their eyes on two of the best games to be released in the following period. Also in may we are waiting the release of Max Payne 3.
Back to Crysis 3
As we have seen on the cover of Crysis 3, it seems that the main weapon in the game will be a bow. We will find out more from the gameplay trailer that is going to be released on april 24th and much more at E3.
Crysis 3
Will amaze us again with the graphics. CryEngine 3.4 just has been released and will strongly contribute at the development of Crysis 3. As i mentioned in an article earlier, Crysis 2 still has the best graphics in the gaming industry and the next Crysis will only improve them. For me it was pretty boring but that just because it was too close to the real world.
Crysis 3 will be set in New York just as the pervious one. So i hope EA and Crytek will do something about the graphics to make them look even more realistic but be less boring.
Enough talking! Let's see the short teaser which announces the official gameplay trailer on april 24th:
I almost forgot. I still have to mention that it will be released on the following platforms: Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.
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