A New Title in Medal of Honor Series - Entitled "Medal of Honor" Announced !

Written by Blackjack on 03 December 2009.

Today, EA have announced a new Medal of Honor title, along with the new website, entitled 'Medal of Honor'. After Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault and Medal of Honor: Airborne the community are nearly dead. What will bring this title? Be patient, the game is set for fall 2010.

Operating directly under the National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of handpicked warriors are called on when the mission must not fail. They are the Tier 1 Operators.

Over 2 million Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines wear the uniform. Of those, approximately 50 thousand fall under the direct control of the Special Operations Command. The Tier 1 Operator functions on a plane of existence above and beyond even the most highly trained Special Operations Forces. Their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds. They are living, breathing, precision instruments of war. They are experts in the application of violence. The new Medal of Honor is inspired by and has been developed with Tier 1 Operators from this elite community. Players will step into the boots of these warriors and apply their unique skill sets to a new enemy in the most unforgiving and hostile battlefield conditions of present day Afghanistan.

There is a new enemy. There is a new war. There is a new warrior. He is Tier 1.

The special thing is that DICE, the popular creator of nearly all Battlefield series are making the Multiplayer side of the new title 'Medal of Honor'. Medal of Honor have a come back!

Comments (6)

There are a lot of video games but Medal of honor is one of the most famous games and it's missions are really very interesting but i could not play any video game because of being too busy in working with research paper mana writers but i will...

There are a lot of video games but Medal of honor is one of the most famous games and it's missions are really very interesting but i could not play any video game because of being too busy in working with research paper mana writers but i will try to play medal of honor soon.

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There are a lot of video games but Medal of honor is one of the most famous games and it's missions are really very interesting but i could not play any video game because of being too busy in working with quality research paper writers but i...

There are a lot of video games but Medal of honor is one of the most famous games and it's missions are really very interesting but i could not play any video game because of being too busy in working with quality research paper writers but i will try to play medal of honor soon.

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There are a lot of video games but Medal of honor is one of the most famous games and it's missions are really very interesting but <a href="http://byebra.de/product/schulterfreie-bhs/">schulterfreie bh</a> i could not play any video game because...

There are a lot of video games but Medal of honor is one of the most famous games and it's missions are really very interesting but <a href="http://byebra.de/product/schulterfreie-bhs/">schulterfreie bh</a> i could not play any video game because of being too busy in working with dissertation writers but i will try to play medal of honor soon.

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