PC users will remain without the FIFA series?

Written by igcompany on 28 June 2010.

Because lately EA didn't care about the PC users and they worked a lot at the console's versions of the FIFA game, FIFA PC fans are starting to wonder if they will be able to play the following FIFA titles on their computers.

In the last time EA Sports produced FIFA by: next gen and current gen(current gen means the PC version, is not hard to understand why). FIFA on consoles became a true legend and on PC well.... don't know what to say. If you played the PC version of FIFA (the latest) you know what i'm thinking about right now. The consoles version got a lot of new features like Ping Pong passing, 360 dribbling(see http://www.igcompany.com/pc-games/pc-game-news/52-fifa-10-gameplay-innovations-and-screenshots.html for the complete list of the consoles features). At least FIFA Online Beta tryed to use the 360 dribbling but it only cames up when you play it with the mouse wich is pretty hard for the ones who are used to play from the keyboard.

A few weeks ago EA officials posted on their forums the announcement for the next gen versions of the game. They even created new sections in the forum for this. But about the PC version they didn't say nothing. They only wrote on the Next Gen announcement that FIFA 11 will be released on PC too but that's it. No more details about the PC version.

On forum people become iritated that they don't get more details about the PC version and they became almost sure that it will be (again) a copy of the last game. Maybe the most important improvment in FIFA 10 PC is the online mod wich is pretty nice but that's it!

Well PC users don't be alarmed for FIFA 11. It has been announced so maybe you will play it. But what about the next ones?

Of course FIFA series on PC brought to EA a lot of money but they also quit the ideea to make Madden NFL, NBA and NHL on PC. They all stopped at 08 only NHL had a version more :).

So leave a comment with your opinion...  what do you think will EA do with the following PC titles(not only FIFA).

Comments (3)

OK. PC version is confirmed and its there on official fifa 11 site. Rutter confirmed that fifa online is for older computer and it uses old technology. He also said that first news on fifa 11 on pc will come in early july. I cant see how you dont...

OK. PC version is confirmed and its there on official fifa 11 site. Rutter confirmed that fifa online is for older computer and it uses old technology. He also said that first news on fifa 11 on pc will come in early july. I cant see how you dont get it? [url]http://twitter.com/ruttski/status/16811886797[/url]

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