The New Adventure of the Time Machine Game Info(PC)

Written by igcompany on 27 January 2012.


The New Adventures of the Time Machine, is an adaptation of one of the most fantastic and well-read adventures in literature.

Enter the adventure, inspired by the work of H.G. Wells, and explore time travel, as you face perilous situations and interesting characters. Your challenge is to struggle to survive against the forces of time.

There is only one Being capable of restoring the balance of time and only one Being who can help you find your own time again - a mythical being, a Demi-God, The Master of the Hourglass: Khronos.

Main features

  • Keyboard controls allow for precise movement of the hero.
  • Real time 3D animation in stunning pre-rendered sets using the new Warp technology.
  • Artificial Intelligence gives each character unique quality, governing the characters' behavior and introduces a sense of life and random direction of the game.
  • The hero of the game changes ages as he travels through the time storms influencing the scenarios, interactions with other characters and the gameplay.
  • An intriguing story that will capture the imagination
  • Engaging original music
  • Hours and hours of challenging game play
  • The New Adventure of the Time Machine -0
    • The New Adventure of the Time Machine -1
      • The New Adventure of the Time Machine -2

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