XIII review

Written by Blackjack on 08 November 2009.

In XIII, you start as a complete unknown to yourself, because you suffer from amnesia. You just washed ashore on a beach and there seems to be your shot. The lifeguard that you find, find a safe key and a tattoo on you and by you that tattoo "XIII", but what does that exist thirteen and I to XII as well? Before you answer those questions will show in any case you are not darling: you're the main suspect in the assassination of the President of the United States of America. The FBI is looking for you, a group of freelancers (assassins) also. Time to get out to the feet so, but not without finding out who you are. With the safe key in his pocket are you looking for answers.
Originally XIII is a comic series, so it seemed Ubisoft no longer than domestic income to maintain the strip shape. This style is first and foremost from the paper taken by cell shading. This is the technique that makes everything seem drawn using black lines and large areas with only one color, such as that already in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to be seen. Cell shading is not the only "trick" that is used for the comic style in the game to get. Calls from NPC's are not being shown as subtitles, but as text balloons. Funnier comic elements are the great "KABOOOM! 'S appearing in major explosions and the image edges by strip moves like an explosion very close by. Ingenious (and very useful for sneaking) is the appearance of "Tap, Tap, Tap" as NPC's close walk past you without you see them.
Besides single player offers XIII like most FPS (-like) some multiplayer games. Each version of XIII (the game also appears on all major consoles) offers deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag and a special game type for that platform.

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