Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheats (PC)
To enter to following cheats you have to access the console. To do that you have to hit the Tilde [~] key, then type in DebugMode 1 .
Cheat | Result |
dm_givegold # | - Gives the desired amount of gold |
dm_god | - Invincibility |
dm_unlockcamera | - Allows you to use the camera with better scrolling and the such |
givefeat # | - Add the feat to your currently selected character (use #'s 2 through around 500) |
giveitem [item tag] # | - Gives active player item |
givespell # | - Gives a spell identified by it's id number to the character. |
givexp # | - Gives the desired amount of XP to your character. |
givexp [-ve number] | - Decreases your experience points by the value entered |
irolltwenties | 20 in every statistic. |
polymorph # | - Turns your controlled character into a different creature. |
removefeat # | - Remove the feat corresponding to that number |
resetlevels | - Delevel you if your experience points is near to 0 |
rs ga_alignment(-1,0) | - To move one point towards evil |
rs ga_alignment(-1,1) | - To move one point towards Chaos |
rs ga_alignment(1,0) | - To move one point towards good |
rs ga_alignment(1,1) | - To move one point towards Law |
rs ga_influence (x,y) | - Raises influence level for that companion. |
rs ga_party_limit(6) | - Raises the amount of party members you may have at once to 6. Default is 3 in Act 1 and 4 in Acts 2 and 3. |
rs ga_time_advance(Hours,Min,Sec,Milli) | - Replace Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds with how much time you want to advance. |
rs kr_influence | - A simple influence editor, in the form of a dialogue. |
rs kr_roster_edit | - Opens a debug dialogue with an option to open the party roster to switch party members in and out at any time. (Use caution with other features there) |
Set Appearance # | - Makes your character have the appearance of the # in the res ref table of the 2da appearance file...*Note this is just appearance* |
SetCHA # | - Set charisma to given number. |
SetCON # | - Set constitution to given number. |
SetDEX # | - Set dexterity to given number. |
SetINT # | - Set intelligence to given number. |
SetSTR # | - Set strength to given number. |
SetWIS # | - Set wisdom to given number. |
unpolymorph | - Returns your controlled character to normal. |
rs gr_dm | - Spawns a Dungeon Master NPC who will allow you to spawn items, add journal entries, open stores, add/remove party members, and teleport. |
rs ga_global_int ("01_Mineral_New", "1") | - Get "1" more ore find. |
Fallout 3 Cheats (PC)
To be able to enter the following cheats you have to access the console. You can do that by hitting the Tilde [~] key.
Cheat | Result |
player.setlevel # - |
Changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else. |
modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # - |
Changes the chosen stat by adding the given number. e.g. lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8. |
tgm - |
God Mode |
tcl - |
No clipping mode |
tmm 1 - |
All mapmarkers |
player.setav # - |
Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10) |
player.setav |
Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes. |
player.additem 0000000F "XXX" - |
Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want. |
addspecialpoints # - |
Add # special points |
setspecialpoints # - |
Set the number of special points to # |
rewardKarma # - |
Reward # karma points to player |
getXPfornextlevel - |
Displays xp needed for next level |
GetQuestCompleted - |
Complete current quest |
tfc - |
Toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots) |
tm - |
Turns off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots) |
unlock - |
Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals. |
movetoqt - |
Moves the player to the current quest marker |
advlevel - |
Advance one level |
rewardxp xxx - |
Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive |
Kill - |
Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode |
showracemenu - |
Open the character creation screen |
player.modav skill # - |
Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10) |
player.modav carryweight # - |
Permanently modifies players max weight. |
player.modav actionpoints # - |
Permanently modifies players max action points. |
DisableAllMines - |
Disables mines |
GetQuestComplete/GetQC - |
Complete all quest items |
SexChange - |
Go ahead, be a transvestite, i won't ask any questions |
SetPCYoung - |
Everyone wants to be a kid again! |
ResetQuest - |
Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing? |
CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest - |
Complete quest objectives |
player.modScale - |
Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal |
ShowNameMenu - |
Change your name for free, no court fees! |
player.ForceAV |
Directly set your skill values. |
EnablePlayerControls - |
Move around during "locked" cinematics |
player.PlaceAtMe |
I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money) |
CloseAllMenus - |
Just in case... |
MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt - | Warp to your quest' target location |
resurrect - |
Revives dead target |
set timescale to # - |
Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes. |
TT - |
Toggle on/off trees. |
TG - |
Toggle on/off grass. |
SetEssential 1 - |
Sets the NPC as essential. |
Killall - |
Kills everyone in the area, if you are outside it kills everything outside. |
SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 - |
Allows player to wear Brotherhood of Steel armor without the training prerequisite. |
setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### - |
Sets the maximum level that your character can reach through experience gain. Replace the ### with the desired maximum level. |
tcai - |
Disables enemy AI, enemies stand still and do not fire back. |
save fred 1 - |
Opens a text file with all objects (items, npcs, props) and their corresponding ID Form codes (unique for every savegame) |
setessential 6a772 1 - |
Dogmeat is marked Essential (Unkillable) |
setgs fJumpHeightMin # - |
Changes how high your player will jump. Replace the # with the desired height. (default = 64) |
activate - |
Activates the last door you clicked on in the console that is locked but needed to be opened from another place. (doors that unlock doesn't work on) |
player.removeitem |
Removes "XXX" number of items from your inventory of |
Removeallitems - |
Remove all the Weapons and Cloths from Selected NPC (inc kids!) |
TWF - |
Toggle wirefram mode on/off |
GetPos X - |
View selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it) |
SetPos X - |
Set selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it) |
showinventory - |
Shows all items and their id's, of the selected target, in the console (click an object while in the console to select it) |
EquipItem - |
If the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be equipped |
UnEquipItem - |
If the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be unequipped |
agerace # - |
Ages the targetted character with 1, and de-ages them with -1 |
player.agerace # - |
Ages yourself with 1, and de-ages you with -1 |
setgs fMoveRunMult # - |
Changes run speed. Replace the # with the desired speed. (default = 4) |
SetBarterGold [amount] - |
Sets how much an NPC has to trade with |
coc [Cell ID] - |
Center on cell. Teleports you to the cell you specify. |
cam - |
Closes all open menus |
GetAVInfo [Actor Value] - |
Gets info on the selected targers value (such as getavinfo luck) |
disableallmines - | Disables all mines allowing you to pick them up, without them blowing up. |
tcai - |
Toggles ONLY combat AI on/off. AI will still be active, but enemies will not attack. |
tai - |
Toggles AI processing on/off. Freezes the AI |
QQQ - |
Quits the game fast with no promps |
save [name] - |
Saves your game with a custom save name. |
load [name] - |
Loads a saved game. |
PRID [name] - |
Selects an object. Useful for selecting yourself in first person view (use 'PRID player"). |
setactorfullname "Firstname Lastname" (Use the quotes if the name has spaces)- |
Sets the name of the selected NPC. Use "player.setactorfull name" to change your character's name. Last name (and any further spaces) optional. |
pcb - |
Purge cell buffer, which frees up memory if you have lots of cells loaded, increasing performance. |
tsb [number] - |
Allows you to add blood to your screen. Higher numbers make more blood spots. 0 = none. |
fov [1-180] - |
Allows you to change your field of view (by angle) |
Player.MatchFaceGeometry # - |
Matches the geometry of another NPCs face |
setscale # - |
Changes size of any targeted object/NPC. Replace # with a number between -10 and 10. Default size is 1. |
coc megatoncommonhouse - |
Warp Back |
coc testqaitems - |
Warp to Room with All Items |
player.moveto # - |
Moves you to the specified NPC. |
player.setav damageresist ## - |
Set the percentage of physical (Gunshot or melee) damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100]) |
player.setav critchance ## - |
Set the percent chance to score a critical hit when inflicting damage. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100]) |
player.setav radresist ## - |
Set the percentage of radiation absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100]) |
player.setav fireresist ## - |
Set the percentage of fire damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100]) |
player.setav poisonresist ## - |
Set the percentage of poison damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100]) |
player.setav meleedamage ## - |
Set the melee damage inflicted by your character. (Note, other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired damage in place of ##) |
player.setav unarmeddamage ## - |
Set the unarmed damage inflicted by your character. (Other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired damage in place of ##) |
exit vats - |
Roll credits/end gameplay |
Setownership - |
Gives player ownership of selected item |
Resethealth - |
Select player, or NPC and acts as a full heal |
player.placeatme - |
Allows you to spawn any NPC next to you. |
player.modav health # - |
Permanently modifies players max hp |
tmg - |
View some polygons and boxes of collisions. |
addachievement xx - |
Gives achievement with the number you put in(1-53) ex. addachievement 23 |
SetGS fPickPocketMaxChance 100 - |
This code breaks the hard-coded 85% pick pocket success chance |
SetGS fPickPocketActorSkillMult 100 - |
Multiplies Pick pocket skill by 100 |
Player.AddItem 2937e 500 - |
Ammo for Instant-Kill Magnum |
Player.AddItem 50f92 1,100 - |
Secret Weapon: Instant-Kill Magnum |
SetGS fVATSDistanceFactor 0.0001 - |
Makes V.A.T.S incredibly perfect when it comes to aiming. |
SetGS fLockSkillBase 100 - |
Sets the base force for lock breaking to 100% so that you can open any lock by forcing it. |
player.srm - |
Free repair up to your repair level |
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100 - |
Restores equiped weapon to 100% |
setgs fmovesneakmult * - |
Speed up SNEAK MODE * = speed times this number |
Need for Speed Most Wanted Cheats (PC)
Enter the following cheats at the "click to continue" screen.
Cheat | Result |
burgerking | - Unlocks Burger King Challenge |
castrol | - Exclusive Castrol Ford GT |
givemethegto | - Releases the GTO |
iammostwanted | - Unlocks all cars |
Age of Empires III Cheats (PC)
To be able to use the following cheats you have to hit the ENTER key.
Cheat | Result |
this is too hard | - Win in singleplayer |
- Gives 10,000 wood | |
Speed always wins | - Turns on 100x gather/build rates |
Ya gotta make do with what ya got | - Spawns the Mediocre Bombard at your Home City gather point |
Sooo Good | - Turn on “Musketeer’ed!” when you get killed by Musketeers |
Give me liberty or give me coin | - Gives 10,000 coin |
Nova & Orion | - Gives 10,000 XP |
A recent study indicated that 100% of herdables are obese | - Fattens all animals on map |
Medium Rare Please | - Gives 10,000 food |
X marks the spot | - Reveals map (fog of war still there) |
Shiver me Timpers! | - Destroys all the enemy boats on the map |
tuck tuck tuck | - Spawns a big red monster truck that can run over anything |
Where's that axe? | - George Crushington |
- Get 10,000 Wood |
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats (PC)
To use the following cheats you have to bring up the console. To do that you have to hit the tilde key [~].
Cheat | Result |
Click any human or creature, type "kill" | - Instant kills |
Click a locked door or chest, type "unlock" | - Unlocks target object |
Without targeting, type "tgm" | - God Mode |
tfh | - Toggle Full Help |
player.additem 0000000F 'XXX' | - Adds the desired amount of gold. Replace the 'XXX' with the amount wanted. |
player.AddItem 00000000 # | - Gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items) |
player.AddSpell 00000000 | - Gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells) |
modpcs skill 100 | - Adds 100 points to the skill |
modpca luck 100 | - Adds 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck) |
player.setlevel 1 | - Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255 |
advlevel | forces a level up with the levelup screen. |
advskill skill # | - Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4 |
showclassmenu | - Allows you to change your class |
Showbirthsignmenu | - Allows you to change your birthsign |
movetoqt | - Teleports you to your quest target (for lazy bums) makes the game ALOT shorter >:) |
qqq | - Exit game without using menus |
tcai | - Toggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind |
tfc | - "ufo cam", freeflyng camera |
caqs | - Completes all quest stages |
ShowSubtitle | - Toggles NPC conversation subtitles |
psb | - Add all spells to player |
SexChange | - Changes your gender |
TCL | - Toggles collision, you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc ) |
TDT | - Toggle debug display (FPS etc) |
TM | - Toggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots) |
SSG | - Creates a window with the full game scene graph |
TDETECT | - Toggle AI detection |
TLL | - Toggle land LOD |
TS | - Toggle sky |
TLV | - Toggle leaves |
TWF | - Toggle wireframe mode |
TAI | - Toggle AI |
TG | - Toggle Grass |
TT | - Toggle trees |
player.setAV | - Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute |
player.additem |
- Gives the player the given item and amount of the item. |
ShowBirthSignMenu | - Show the sign selection screen |
ShowRaceMenu | - Show the name/race/appearance selection screen |
ShowClassMenu | - Show the class selection screen |
SetPCFame | - Gives you fame |
SetPCInfamy | - Gives you infamy |
TFOW | - Toggles fog of war that hides the map |
FOV # | - Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75) |
player.setcrimegold 0 | - Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: If being chased by city guards, you must leave the city and go back for it to work on them. |
PlaceAtMe |
- Spawns a npc or item or creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref. |
coc toddtest | - Teleports player to developer testing grounds. |
player.payfine | - Guards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off. |
resurrect | - Resurrect targeted monster/human. |
player.removeitem |
- Removes any item |
player.removespell |
- Removes specified spell |
hairtint (red/green/blue) | - Change player hair colour |
help | - List console commands |
lock [1-100] | - Lock selected door or container |
showfullquestlog [quest id] | - Show all log entries for indicated quest |
showquestlog | - Show quest log |
showquestlog 0 | - Show current quest log |
showquestlog 1 | - Show completed quest log |
showquesttargets | - Show current quest targets |
tws | - Toggle water |
pov [#] | - Set point of view angle (75 by default) |
savegame [filename] | - Save game |
setcamerafov [degrees] | - Set camera field of view (75 by default) |
setscale number | - Makes objects change size. Click on object to enlarge or make smaller then enter cheat. Number ranges from .5 to 2. 1 is normal size. |
coc testinghall | - Teleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in-game. |
player.setstage |
- Advances specific quest to specified stage |
player.completequest |
- Removes active quest specified (doesn't complete it) |
stopcombat | - Immediately stops the combat of the selected friend/foe. |
player.placeatme |
- Summon a NPC at your current location |
twr | - Toggles Water Radius |
set timescale to |
- Set the speed at which time flows, 30 is default and 1.0 is real-time. |
drop amount | - Drops the item |
equipitem | - Equips the item |
PCB | - Purge cell buffer. This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells |
ModDisposition ObjREF Amount | - Modifies actor's disposition towards ObjREF. Example: ModDisposition 014 -100 makes your target strongly dislike __ you __ |
GetPos X | - Shows target's X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis! |
SetPos X Value | - Set target's X coordinate, i.e., move the target. Use Player.SetPos Z to train acrobatics. Be careful not to move something beyond your reach.. |
MoveTo ObjREF | - Move target to ObjREF. You might enlist 'frequently visited' ObjREFs for further fast-travel, or even create your own 'places' by dropping items.. |
SetAV AValue Amount | - Set some ability or skill (AValue to be Marksman, LightArmor, etc.) Also not-so obvious values are: Aggression, Energy, Confidence, Responsibility.. |
SetAV Aggression 100 | - Target should attack anybody it doesn't like, without prompt |
SetCrimeGold 2000 | - Set a bounty on actor's head. Use upon a character you want punished by guards. Also should be funny using it on town guards themselves. |
StopCombat | - Actor stops combat, hides its weapon. Actor will start again, if it finds proper targets. |
SetItemValue Amount | - (should be used on items, not actors) Sets item's price |
CreateFullActorCopy | - Create a fully identical copy of a target for some purpose. All attributes, spells, and items copy. |
Player.CreateFullActorCopy | - Places another "Yourself" near you. You even might test "yourself" in combat, but be careful with all those guilds stuff.. |
SetActorFullName "John Doe" | - Change actor's name |
DeleteFullActorCopy | - Removes selected target if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy (Now, after you had plenty fun with your replica, it's time to release it) |
DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF | - Copy items from target actor (or chest or other container) into object referenced by DestinationObjREF. |
RemoveAllItems | - Remove all items from target. Use Player.RemoveAllItems to strip off any stolen and not stolen goods from yourself. |
PRID Player | - Select yourself as a target. In theory, one can also select other named objects, but for now other names are unknown. |
Look ObjREF | - Target looks towards referenced object |
StopLook | - Target stops looking (this is to cancel any previous Look cheat) |
Drop TypeREF Amount | - An item of given type drops out from selected target's inventory. Item is treated owned by target, so you will steal it on picking up |
UnEquipItem TypeREF | - Target deactivates an item of given type (may be used to disarm or undress target). |
SetBarterGold Amount | - Sets amount of gold a merchant has for trade. (don't forget to first select any merchant as a target :J) |
ShowSpellMaking | - Forces up spell creation screen |
Killall | - Kills Everything Where You Are (If You Are In A Town Outside It Kills Everything Outside) |
lock [value] | - Lock a door |
tmm 1 | - Shows all map markers |
setweight XXX | - Sets the item's weight to XXX |